Obsolete Parts

Obsolete parts replacementIn the event that a repair requires a part that is obsolete or otherwise unavailable on the market, ICS, Inc is prepared to go the extra mile. We accept no barriers in our mission to help our customers keep their machines running!

After facing the issue of hard to access parts, we developed a solution. We keep a full stock of common obsolete parts ready for use in this scenario. However, if we do not have the necessary part on hand, that is also no obstacle!

Our skilled engineers are equipped to design and manufacture the parts needed to complete repairs. In doing so, we save our customers substantial costs on machinery replacements.  This is a proven process, and we have done this many times with great success.

For example:

A customer needed a replacement SH1074 part for a Sanyo Denki Drive commonly used in auto plant machinery. Due to the unavailability of the part, they were faced with a 20-million-dollar project of replacing their equipment. Additionally, they would have lost significant productivity time while their machines were not operational. From design to manufacturing we had the job done in just two weeks. Thanks to the hard work of ICS, we saved this company millions of dollars.